Joint Health Info All Dog Owners Should Know
estimate that at least one in five dogs suffers from poor joint health. Joint
health affects all sizes and ages, large breeds, small breed, young and old. As
dogs continue to live longer, eventually virtually all of them will experienc…

Keeping Aging Fido Happy: The Keys to a Healthy Senior Canine Life
As we get older, it is important to keep ourselves active in both mind and body. Exercising our muscles with physical activity and our mind with mental activity. Doing puzzles and playing games stimulates the mind while the occasional jog keeps m…

Potty Training Your Puppy
Have you recently brought a new puppy home or are you planning on doing so? If yes, have you thought about the process of housebreaking? Housebreaking your puppy is not technically difficult but it does require consistency which can be difficult…

Road Trips With Man's Best Friend: Tips and Tricks
Are you planning on bringing your dog on a road trip with you soon? A road trip with your pup can be an extremely fun and memorable experience but there are some things you should know to make your trip the best it can be.First, you’ll want to make…

Welcoming Home Your New Animal
With the holidays
fast approaching, many people are debating on surprising their loved ones with
a new pet. Welcoming a pet to their new
home is a very important process and, depending on the animal, the steps can differ
but completing them ensu…

Seasonal Allergies: How Do They Affect My Dog?
If you’re one of the millions of people that suffer from seasonal allergies, you know how difficult they can make daily life. All year you look forward to the winter months where you can escape the constant sneezing and sniffling because, for most o…