Q: How is Steadfast® Equine Growth different from other joint supplements?

A: Steadfast Equine Growth is formulated with TêlaFIRM, a concentrated source of chelated trace minerals. TêlaFIRM provides horses with the most research backed, organic trace mineral blend available. Most supplements contain the common minerals we associate with equine joint health like selenium, manganese, copper and zinc. However, most of these minerals are inorganic and bound to a salt. This makes it difficult for them to survive the acidity of the stomach and reach the small intestine for absorption. Salt-bound trace minerals used because they’re cheaper to producer. These minerals are listed as zinc oxide, copper sulfate or something similar on ingredient labels. Organic, or chelated, minerals are carbon bound which protects the mineral from the stomach’s acidic environment and ensures safe passage to the small intestine for absorption. TêlaFIRM's proprietary formulation uses only organic minerals for optimal digestion and benefit to your horse. 

Q: The mare wasn't fed Steadfast Equine Growth while she was pregnant. Can it still help my foal?

A: Yes! Ideally, mares should be given Steadfast Equine Growth at the start of the third trimester at the latest, but that’s not always possible. If you didn’t own the mare or were unable to start her on the supplement during her pregnancy, it can still help your foal with development and structural support. The sooner you can start, the better.

Q: Why does it matter that Steadfast® Equine Growth is patented?

A: With the saturation of the equine supplements on the market, you should research products thoroughly and look for products that offer finished-product research and credentials. Arenus is an audited member of the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) and has taken its credentialing process one step further by gaining U.S. patented or patent-pending status on all Vital Science products. Steadfast Equine Growth is fully patented, guaranteeing label accuracy and a product that works.

Q: Will I need to keep my horse on Steadfast® Equine Growth forever?

A: Though some do choose to keep their horse on Steadfast Equine Growth long term, we recommend keeping young horses on the supplement until about 90 days under saddle. Steadfast Equine Growth is designed to be used as a building block for growth or recovery and is typically used in one of 3 ways:

  • Fed to the mare during late pregnancy to promote optimal structural growth of the developing fetus. 
  • Fed to the foal from weaning through their initial training years to develop the best foundation for bone and soft tissue integrity. Once well into training, horses on Steadfast Equine Growth can be transitioned to Steadfast Equine to encourage whole joint and structural support throughout their career.
  • Fed to horses recovering from bone or soft tissue injuries throughout the recovery process. Fed in combination with Steadfast Equine for maximum results.

Q: In what situation would you use Steadfast® Equine and Steadfast® Equine Growth together?

A: Steadfast Equine and Steadfast Equine Growth are most commonly used together for horses recovering from injury. Injuries range from suspensory tears and tendon strain, to surgeries like carpal chip removal. Combining these supplements provides your horse with the hefty dose of the minerals they need to rebuild soft tissues, strengthen the existing structural integrity and reduce the pain and inflammation associated with recovery. This powerful combination assists with reduced recovery time and improved healing for equine athletes.

Q: Is Steadfast® Equine Growth palatable?

A: Yes. In general, horses that readily eat supplements won’t have a problem working Steadfast Equine Growth into their regimen. However, if you do experience issues you can try some simple tricks like starting with a smaller dose or adding water, vegetable oil or molasses.