What You Need to Know About Equine Skin Health
A healthy, shiny coat, while not the most important factor
when showing or competing, will always catch the judges' eyes. It is also a
sign of good equine health in the largest, most visible organ - the skin. Skin
health is sometimes overlook…

Seasonal Allergies: How do they affect my horse?
Just as discussed in last week's post, seasonal allergies can not only affect you, but your animals, too. Horses can struggle in many ways with seasonal allergies but the most commonly affected areas are the skin and respiratory systems. &…

Seasonal Allergies: How Do They Affect My Dog?
If you’re one of the millions of people that suffer from seasonal allergies, you know how difficult they can make daily life. All year you look forward to the winter months where you can escape the constant sneezing and sniffling because, for most o…