Jump Into Show Season: Tips For A Better Season
Gearing up for show season? As equestrians ourselves, we know how busy and exciting this time of year is for you.
You’ve probably already made a list of the shows you’d like to attend, gone through your prize lists, and are excited for a chance to get in the ring and show off your hard work.
Being well prepared before entering the ring requires effort and planning. Below are our top suggestions for a successful start to your show season.
Groom Your Horse for Success
A shiny, well-groomed horse may not win the show but is certainly more likely to catch the judge’s eye. Start show season off right by grooming your horse carefully.
After a long winter, most horses will be heavier, muddier and shaggier. Beginning your grooming protocol with a good bath and thorough clipping is an excellent place to start. The addition of a spray sheen or coat conditioner can help to add a gleaming shine afterward. Check out our Ricochet Horse Spray for light sun protection and coat conditioning sheen.
If you're looking for an effective bath product, our Sore No-More Massage Shampoo is excellent for performance horses. It's gentle, low-sudsing, easy rinsing and the dual-action liniment formulas supports sore muscle and inflammation relief.
Hoof care is also vitally important to your success in the show ring. After a long, wet winter and spring, consulting with your vet or farrier may help reduce or prevent any outstanding hoof issues including cracks, injuries or disease. As hooves harden up during the spring to summer transition, you may find that your horse’s hooves are tender. Use Sore No-More Poultice to make a soothing hoof pack that can help reduce pain, soreness and discomfort. Be sure to check out our blog on show season hoof health for more information on hoof care.
If your horse struggles with abscesses, you can make your own anti-bacterial sugardine recipe by combining Sore No-More The Sauce with white sugar (1:1 ratio for each) to creating a hoof pack or wrap to help speed up the healing process. The video below has a great tutorial on the topic:
Treat Your Horse With Sore No-More
Looking for an extra treat for your horse after bath time? Many of our customers love to pair Sore No-More with its partner product – BeneFab by Sore No-More. Give your future champion an extra treat by layering on Sore No-More Gelotion under the BeneFab by Sore No-More SmartScrim Sheet, a dual magnet and ceramic therapy wearable sheet designed to target therapeutic acupuncture points.
This incredible combination helps relieve pain in your equine athlete, as well as inflammation, and just feels great. We often hear customers say, "I can tell my horse looks forward to their Sore No-More and BeneFab by Sore No-More routine!".
Get You & Your Horse Back In Condition
Even more important than grooming, is your actual show skill preparation. Regardless of which discipline you practice, you and your horse's skill and ability to work together in the show ring matter most.
Besides careful grooming, scheduling veterinary check-ups, and planning your show schedule, it's important to plan out your training sessions.
After a long winter, many horses (and owners) are out of practice and in poor condition. Your horse may have even lost muscle mass due to inactivity and burned extra calories to keep warm.
Create a schedule of warm-up sessions to refresh your basics and get both of you back into condition. Learn more about reconditioning your horse on the Arenus blog here. For riders, strength training, jogging, yoga and pilates are great choices to get in shape for season.
Consider also writing a list of what you know you and your horse need to work on, so you can target your schooling rides.
What Discipline are You Preparing for?
Once you and your horse are back in peak condition, study the event requirements and find out what the judges will be looking for in your discipline. Consider making a list of what you and your horse need to work on as far as trouble spots, so you can target your schooling rides. Find the individual requirements for your sport by visiting the following websites for the major disciplines: USEF, USDF, USHJA, AQHA.
Once you and your horse enter the show ring, its go time. Get ready for the bright lights by staying calm and realizing you have come this far fully prepared. Most of all – have fun!
Jump Into Show Season with Arenus Animal Health
Over to you! How do you prepare for show season? Do you have any tips or tricks you'd like to share with the Team Arenus community? Let us know by tagging @arenushealth over on Facebook or Instagram. And keep an eye out for our #JumpIntoShowSeason posts this months for more on this topic.