Horse Health: The History of Horse Liniments
Horse liniments (like Sore No-More) are a crucial part of horse health care. Horses work hard, whether it be for competition, work, or for regular everyday exercise. Sore No-More is great at reducing soreness, inflammation, and pain in the muscles…

Poultice: Do you know what you're missing?
While commonplace in the racing and eventing world, poultice isn't often utilized in other disciplines. Much of that is simply due to the fact that riders are creatures of habit; we use what we know and we know what we're taught. If you g…

The Art of Bandaging
Bandaging your horse's lower legs can be an important part of your daily care routine. Because of the delicate nature of the lower limb, it is vitally important to understand when and when not to use bandages and also how to apply them properly…

Don't Be Scared of Scars
No matter how they are created, all wounds go through the same healing process and there are very specific stages through which the wound should progress in order to minimize scarring or hair loss.The body’s initial reaction to the wound is to r…

3 Tips For Choosing the Right Equine Shampoo
When the weather gets warm, we turn to the hose to help us keep our horses cool, clean and happy. After exercise or competition, our horses are continually doused in bath braces or shampooed daily (sometimes twice!). Grey horses and those…

Why is my liniment banned from competition?
As riders, we want the best for our horses. Herbal supplements and topical products are commonplace in the equine world but, as the options expand and as regulatory bodies crack down, it is important to know why certain ingredients are singled…